Stephane Tientcheu was born and raised in Cameroon, Central Africa. He moved to America in 2009. He has been working in a clinical setting of hospitals in Sacramento for the past five years including UC Davis Medical Center. As an AHA instructor, he teaches hospital staff and what is known as layperson . His desire to improve the life quality of his peers and give back to his community home motivated him to start Emergency Medicine for Africa with the ambition to give the necessary tools to improve the emergency medical system in Africa through community empowerment.
At Emergency Medicine For Africa we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.
But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now.
Stephane Tientcheu
Emergency Medical Technician
American Heart Association Certified Instructor
Christian Loupéda has 25 years of experience in International Development, most of which in financial services for the poor. Mr. Loupeda is currently supporting Grameen Foundation’s efforts in digital finance and branchless banking.
Mr. Loupéda has experience in technical assistance provision, training, strategy design, project management and partnership development. He has also led the work of the Imp-Act Consortium, a global initiative involving organizations committed to promote the practice of SPM in Microfinance. He started his career in development by working at the Banque Internationale pour l’Afrique Occidentale in Paris in 1987, then as research assistant at the International Food Policy Research Institute, project manager at Catholic Relief Services, operations officer at the World Bank and senior technical advisor microfinance and director financial inclusion at Freedom from Hunger. Mr. Loupéda seats on the board of several institutions including microfinance institutions and NGOs. He has a Bachelor degree in Economics and a Master degree in advanced studies in Development Economics from the Université de Paris II-Assas. Mr. Loupéda speaks fluent French and English.
Christian Loupéda
Senior Director Financial Inclusion at Grameen Foundation
Franklin Djeumou is a Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom. He has been a member of the executive committees of various student councils throughout his university studies. He has served as the chair of the steering committee for the alumni Association of the African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS). He had also been in charge of the national Mathematics competition in Cameroon organized by Maths students of the University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon. Franklin holds a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon, an MSc in Mathematics from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in South Africa and a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University in the UK.
Franklin Djeumou Ph.D
Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University ,United Kingdom
Erica Piedra was born in Mexico, but was raised in a bilingual household in rural, central California. Here she learned early on to alternate between English and Spanish. She carried out her undergraduate work at California State University–Fresno, where she participated in various study abroad programs not only in French-speaking Belgium but also in London, England. After earning a dual BA in French and Spanish, she went on to complete her graduate studies at the University of California–Davis, receiving a Ph.D. in French medieval literature. During her doctoral program she spent a summer studying Italian in Florence, Italy, and later spent a year in Paris, France, studying at the École Normal Superieur (ENS). While at the ENS, she taught French on a volunteer basis through the church Saint Germain-des-Prés, primarily to members of the Latin American community in Paris, many of whom were not literate in their mother tongue. Having had the opportunity to live and experience different cultures has given her the freedom to explore the world of ideas outside those often traditionally imposed on one by family and community. During her free time, she enjoys staying active, cooking and traveling.